Lovely Letterpress, UWE, Bristol

Clarendon 18pt
Clarendon 18pt

This post is a little overdue. I did this course last year, it got lost in my drafts somehow. This was a one week course at UWE Bristol led by Tom Sowden and the Lovely Angie Butler. Thoroughly enjoyable and I was able to make some work with ideas that had been floating around my head. Specifically a line from an Emily Dickinson poem "the absence of the witch does not invalidate the spell". Tom & Angie were excellent tutors and very knowledgable. For example when I had this weird grey line coming out on prints from the Vandercook press Tom was able to tell me this was from my Claddagh Ring! As I held the paper and rolled the press it was making the mark. Unfortunately I haven't been able to do any letterpress since, I am tempted to get an Adana but have absolutely no room in my teeny abode - one day :-) 

Wood Type
Wooden Type

Wood Type on Vandercook Press
Wooden Type on the press

Finished print - spot the mistake!

Finished Print

Cheltenham Bold Metal Type, Vanderook Press
Cheltenham Bold Metal Type, Vandercook Press

Finished Print

Final Print, Cheltenham Bold, Somerset Satin

Flexo Plate

Finished Print.  Recognise the image?

Final Print, Somerset Satin

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